The most iconic Chinese beer shows what it truly means to be Asian American.  

Growing up Asian American was super confusing. I wasn’t really Chinese enough and I obviously wasn’t American enough because I guess the facts are that I’m a lot of both. I was born in Hong Kong but I was raised in the Bay. I grew up singing Chinese karaoke songs but also thiz dancing to Mac Dre. I could eat only dim sum for the rest of my life but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t still dream about M&M Mcflurries often.

Tsingtao asked us to help them do a complete rebrand for the US market coming from the perspective of an Asian American. Lucky for them, I have a lot to say about who I am and I also just love their beer. This book was written in my words and designed with my heart and as I continued working, it became my truth as well. It’s colorful, playful and honest - which always makes an awkward conversation less awkward. We are who are and so the more we do our best to understand eachother, the more respect we’ll have for one another. So let’s raise our glass and cheers to tha- wait does anyone have a pepcid?

For the full book click here !!!


Brand: TsingTao
Agency: FRED & FARID Los Angeles
Creative Director: Chelsea Steiger
Art Director: Jocelyn Lam

And it turns out that 88rising’s Chinese boy band, The Higherbrothers, connected with the brand through this book so they asked us to create wildpostings for their lastest album “Five Stars” so ya girl did it.

Then Opening Ceremony was hosting a Chinese New Year party after their Spring fashion show and so we partnered with Opening Ceremony to be one of their sponsers for the night.

The event was full of beer, a whole roasted pig, sweaty asians, and durian cookies. Bubble_T was even there and brought their usual fierce energy and got Yaeji to perform, it was great. All in all, it was great seeing everyone so excited to celebrate and embrace our culture even though might not have been theirs too. 

And one for the memories ;)