If it's good enough for your bestie, it's good enough for you too.

When it comes to skincare, your bestfriends are the ones you go to first for advice. They know you, maybe even things you don’t know about yourself but most importantly they know your skin type and if it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for you. So who cares if something is dermatologist recommended, as long as it’s bestfriend approved. Thanks bestie <3


Brand: Bliss
Agency: FRED & FARID
Creative Director: Chelsea Steiger
Art Directors: Jocelyn Lam & Laura Beck
Writer: Hilary Smith
Producers: Amanda Van Caneghem, Andy Caramanzana
Account Lead: Peter Jacobs

Set Design & Prop Styling: Astrid Chaska, Jacqueline Draper
Stills Photography: Jarren Vink